The WorldKind Foundation




WorldKind is a "for-purpose" organization that is committed to using our time, talent, and treasure to help make our global home a "world-kind" place that is more just, equitable, and sustainable for everyone. We focus on designing learning experiences that help our clients to become more “world-kind” global citizens in general and good global guests in particular to the places they travel.

As part of that mission, we established The WorldKind Foundation, which is administered by "The Foundation for Enhancing Communities," to support two types of “world-kind” projects:

  1. Projects that improve education and make learning more accessible around the world
  2. Projects that lessen our environmental impact through innovative and effective sustainability work

So, whether you design, journey, or learn with WorldKind, you can know that you're also helping to support that mission.




Current Projects the Foundation Supports






Help Support The Foundation's Work

To learn how you can further support this work by making a tax-deductible donation, please check out the WorldKind Foundation HERE, or simply . . . 








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